• June 2024:

I got my certificate of advanced studies in Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products (ATMPs) – this is a program organised by the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne

  • August 2021:

I got my certificate in Good Clinical Practice and started a new temporary role as Clinical Research Associate at the CHUV in Lausanne, Vaud.

  • June 2021:

Publication of my article in French about slow fashion in the newspaper Tribune de Genève – section “Nouvelle Vague” – for the community Large Network.

  • March 2021:

I was chosen, with ten other Serbian women coming from different fields of work, to be the Blic Zena “Naj Zena” 2020 (“Most Woman” recognition) – Highlights.

  • December 2020:

I got officially trained for Project Management by KIM organization, Switzerland and got my IPMA Project Management certification in January 2021

  • November 2020:

My interview with the Serbian Magazine Blic Zena highlighting some of my scientific projets and my recent work was published on the International Diabetes Day, the 14th November 2020Check out the article (in Serbian)!

  • Late September 2020:

I gave a talk on my career path in science during the Belgrade 2020 Innovation Week in Fall 2020 (September 21st-25th) in the panel discussion: How science changes the world? Web site: https://iw.afa.co.rs/.  The conference was organized by the AFA group: Association for Female Affirmation (https://www.afa.co.rs/) for the promotion of women in Science and Technology.

At the AFA conference, I was lucky to be awarded the AFA Prize for Innovations and Initiatives : Women in Science.

  • Early September 2020:

My short review on the publication XLuta et al.: Patterns of benzodiazepine prescription among older adults in Switzerland: a cross-sectional analysis of claims dataBMJ Open (2020) and entitled Benzodiazepines: overuse in the elderly, was published in Horizons, the Swiss National Foundation MagazineHere is the link to the article in English, French and German.

  • August 2020:

Our new study (performed in ProfDomenico Bosco lab) entitled “Loss of cell-cell and cell-substrate contacts in single pancreatic β-cells divert insulin release to intracellular vesicular compartments”, was just published in the new issue of Biology of the Cell ! Here is the link to read it!

  • June 2020:

I am the co-laureate of the Alex-F.  Müller Award for the study  S100A9 extends lifespan in insulin deficiency published in Nature Communications in August 2019 – Highlights